Chronic Fatigue

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?
People with chronic fatigue syndrome(CFS) sleep poorly and awake unrefreshed. They may experience frequent headaches, muscle and joint pain, recurring sore throats, and memory and concentration problems.
The intensity and type of symptoms can vary from day to day and from person to person. On a “good day,” symptoms may be mild and someone with CFS may be able to function at a near normal level; on a “bad day,” they may be unable to get out of bed. Their condition is not improved by bed rest and can be worsened by mental activity.
CFS has multiple triggers that may include:
Viral infection such as Epstein Barr virus, although no microbe has been proven to be the cause
Immune dysfunction provoked by trauma, stress, or allergy, which in turn triggers CFS
Nutritional deficiency
Adrenal Fatigue and Hormone Imbalances
Disturbance of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, possibly caused by inactivity, sleep disturbance, psychiatric comorbidity, medication, or ongoing stress.

Chronic Fatigue Testing

Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis
Blood tests have been used as a tool for determining health status for a long time. However, conventional blood tests have been used mainly for diagnosing disease.
Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis is a new approach and one of the best methods to identify underlying biochemical and nutritional imbalances that dictate the health status. Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis helps to interpret blood test markers and understand these imbalances to prevent disease before it affects one’s health.
Traditional medical lab ranges are looking for disease pathologies where as functional lab ranges are looking at the physiological changes of organ systems that happen before a disease occurs.
They are also known as optimal ranges and pathological ranges. Test values that fall between optimal ranges and pathological ranges are considered sub-clinical and may indicate the beginning stages of disease. In other words, there might be a condition that isn’t bad enough to be treated medically.
Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis provides a great deal of information about your health status. This comprehensive analysis helps to decode blood markers to understand nutritional needs for achieving and maintaining health.
Take Charge of Your Health

Blood has a lot to tell us about our state of health and the blood chemistry and CBC / hematology test is the most commonly ordered medical lab test worldwide.
These blood tests are an integral part of Western clinical medicine and are used to aid in the diagnostic decision-making process. Patients understand blood testing is normal for assessing your health.
By looking at your blood laboratory tests from a Functional Medicine viewpoint, we can get to the root cause of your Chronic Fatigue. Lab tests we generally request are:
CMP (comprehensive metabolic panel)—includes several tests that can be used to evaluate the health of organs and detect a variety of conditions, such as liver and kidney disease
CBC (complete blood count)—to look for anemia or infections, for example
CRP (C-reactive protein) or ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) if CRP is not available—these are nonspecific indicators of inflammation somewhere in the body
TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) and/or other thyroid testing—hypothyroidism can cause symptoms similar to CFS
Iron studies—to detect iron deficiency or anemia
Urinalysis—to detect infections and other conditions
Additional tests may be recommended to follow up abnormal findings on the general tests and as warranted by signs and symptoms. These additional tests are used to help identify disorders that may cause signs and symptoms similar to CFS, such as fatigue. A few examples include:
Lyme disease test—when suspected and endemic in the patient’s geographical area
Rheumatoid factor—to determine whether rheumatoid arthritis may be present
Cortisol test—when low cortisol concentrations and/or decreased adrenal gland function are suspected
If you feel you may have chronic fatigue and want to know more about how we can help, schedule an appointment or consultation today.

Schedule an initial consult to get an understanding of your goals and what problems you've been having.
Create A Plan
After evaluating your examine and lab findings, we will develop a comprehensive health plan.
Get Your Life Back
Our individualized care plans and treatments will get you back to feeling great and living life to the fullest.

Schedule an initial consult to get an understanding of your goals and what problems you have been having that you would like to resolve.

Create A Plan
After evaluating your lab findings and exam results, we will develop a comprehensive health plan.
Get Your Life Back
Our individualized care plans and treatments will get you back to feeling great and living life to the fullest.