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Are Intestinal Parasites Causing Your Energy Slump?


Updated: Jul 22, 2023


I’ve seen many patients with chronic fatigue caused by intestinal parasites.

Parasitic infestations are an epidemic in the United States, with most sources estimating that a massive 85% of Americans have parasites.

One woman was chronicled on Fox news: Doctors in Arizona thought a Phoenix-area woman had a possible brain tumor, but it turned out there was something else penetrating her brain – a worm. Rosemary Alvarez started experiencing numbness in her arm and blurred vision. She went to the emergency room twice and had a cat scan, but everything came up clear.

Because of this, we recommend a parasite cleanse every three-six months, care in choosing restaurants, and washing after exposure to animals.

There are two general groups of parasites. The first consists of worms — tapeworms and roundworms — which attach themselves to the lining of the small intestine, causing internal bleeding and loss of nutrients. People infested with worms may have no symptoms or may slowly become anemic.

The second category is the protozoa, one-celled organisms like Giardia, which can cause acute or chronic diarrhea or can cause symptoms that are not ordinarily associated with parasitic infection like constipation, fatigue, dizziness, joint pain or hives.

Not all parasites live in the G.I. tract. There are other parasites that live in various tissues, and inside the blood. The blood borne ones are rarely detected.

You don’t need to travel to a tropical location to contract a protozoan infection. Epidemics of giardiasis have occurred at ski resorts in the dead of winter because of drinking water contamination.Outbreaks commonly occur at day care centers that serve toddlers who wear diapers. Twenty to thirty percent of workers in day care centers harbor Giardia. Most have no symptoms; they are merely carriers.

Eating at a salad bar increases your risk of food borne infection. Just observe the unhygienic habits of patrons or the way in which handles of serving spoons and tongs fall into the food.

Unfortunately, most doctors rarely detect and treat parasites. It is only when parasites are visually seen that American doctors will suspect them, which requires an especially terrible case.

There are many symptoms of parasite infestation which people experience in daily life, believing that these issues are completely normal. While sickness has become somewhat normal in the modern lifestyle, it does not need to be. The amount of damage that can be caused by parasites is virtually limitless, because many types of them are small enough to travel anywhere in the body through the blood stream. Parasites obtain sustenance by robbing the body of nutrients. Parasites has been studied as the root cause of lupus, with all other issues being secondary to the parasitic infection.

Symptoms of Parasite Infection:

Repeated diarrhea or constipation Chronic, unexplained nausea, often accompanied by vomiting Fatigue and weakness Intestinal cramping Unexplained dizziness Foul-smelling gas Indigestion Bloating Teeth Grinding Anxiety Depression Multiple food allergies Loss of appetite Itching around the anus, especially at night Difficulty sleeping Difficulty maintaining a healthy weight (over or underweight) Itching on the soles of the feet, often accompanied by a rash Coughing blood (severe cases) Palpitations (hook worms) Anemia Facial swelling around the eyes (round worms) Wheezing and coughing Inability to lose weight

If a conventional doctor believes that you have parasites, he will prescribe an anti-parasitic pharmaceutical. These pharmaceuticals are always toxic, for it is their toxicity that kills the parasites. Thus, swelling of the lymph nodes, hands and feet are common with these drugs. Vision problems, lack of coordination, and convulsions can also occur. Diarrhea is typical too. Functional medicine stool testing is far superior to those used at doctor's offices.

A combination of nutrition, lifestyle, and antimicrobials can be a great way to eradicate a parasite infection, followed by intentionally supporting stomach acid levels, rebalancing the microbiome, and healing the intestinal lining from any damage potentially caused by the parasites.

If you think you might be struggling with parasites, or resonate with any of the symptoms mentioned above, I'd definitely recommend contacting our office for further testing.

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