Thermography is the EARLIEST detection for breast disease because the technology monitors the function of the breast tissue to detect abnormal changes even BEFORE a tumor can develop. This scanning is done without any pain or compression!
We also scan other areas of the body to document and visualize your automobile injuries, sports injuries, fibromyalgia, arthritis, nerve damage, cardiovascular issues , etc... The image is sent to a medical doctor on staff to read and you will receive a report concerning your scan.
See how everything is functioning.
Thermography is a non-invasive screening that uses a digital infrared camera to detect and monitor abnormal thermal changes in your body that may indicate early stage breast disease and identify other areas of inflammation and Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging offers:
• No Pain • No Radiation • Non Invasive • FDA Registered • No Compression • Earliest Possible Detection
Thermography will not show any cancers from a structural or pathological perspective. It will show positive physiological findings in 83% of malignancy (specificity), leaving 17% of cancers that present as thermographically silent due to the type of pathology, long-term cancer which the body has accommodated, or encapsulation and age of the patient.
With breast disease on the rise and more health experts questioning the safety and effectiveness of traditional methods of breast testing, more women are seeking safer less invasive ways of monitoring their breast health. Thermography is the answer!